西線戰場1918 Westfront 1918

西線戰場1918 Westfront 1918, 1930

9.0 1930.08.11上映
德國 德語 劇情,愛情,戰爭 USA: 75 分鐘 / Germany: 97 分鐘 / 93 分鐘(Janus print)
According to Sadoul in his "Dictionary Of Films": "The life and death of four average soldiers attached to the same company on the French front during the last months of World War I. Karl (Diessl), from Berlin, goes home on leave and finds his wife (Hoessrich) in bed with another man. A Bavarian (Kampers) takes life as it comes, while the lieutenant (Clausen) sticks to his duty... Screenshots:
